Completed Baohong Academy A6 100% Cotton Watercolor Sketchbook Flip-through

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A list of materials can be found at the end of this post. As usual, please note that any links to Amazon products within this post are affiliate links, meaning I make a minute commission should you choose to purchase something via the link. This is at no additional cost to you. That said, I appreciate your patronage by using the links to purchase products. While small, any amount of money helps me to keep making art and sharing it with the world.

Happy spring, northern-hemisphere people! I’m so grateful to see warm weather returning and that I’ve also finished another sketchbook! That makes two so far this year. This is still quite a slowdown from the pace I was keeping at the end of 2022, but I’m finding it’s a comfortable pace. The fact that I’ve kept working to fill sketchbooks at all says something. Usually during the first few months of the year I go through a creative dry-spell.

To be honest, March and April were pretty rough for me. I’m not going to go into a lot of details, other than that there were some upheavals at my full-time job, and then I’ve been starting to really feel the effects of the changes my body is going through at this stage in my life. Really low, depressive mood swings and insomnia have been unfortunate side-effects. Don’t worry, I’ve been working with my healthcare team to address the issues.

I know when I flip through this sketchbook in the future, I’ll encounter some of those stressful memories. However, there’s a light at the end of this sketchbook, and that’s because I managed a trip back to Hawaii at the end of April to visit with some of my very close, dear friends.

This has been a long, cold, cold, COLD (did I mention “cold”?) winter. Spending some time in tropical, humid, 75-degree weather was just what I needed. I spent so much time outdoors while out there, I think that the extra sunshine and warm air helped restore me a bit, as well as being surrounded by some of the most amazing friends a person could ever ask for.

I really surprised myself while out there that I managed to do quite a bit of artwork. Sometimes I get so busy running around on trips that I find I have little time to barely even scribble something, let alone work on some finished illustrations.

I even made myself proud by sketching at the airports and even on one of my flights!

Yay, me! It’s still intimidating at times for me to pull out a sketchbook and draw in the presence of others.

You’re going to see a continuation of a lot of food-related illustrations in this sketchbook. I’ve really been enjoying the #foodpaintchallenge weekly prompts on Instagram. Sometimes their prompt doesn’t appeal to me, but because I really want to keep going, I just choose my own subject.

Three of the illustrations in this sketchbook, for example, were #foodpaintchallenges I used from my own references.

One of those images – the papaya, I did while out in Hawaii. (And if you’re wondering, yes, the papaya was delicious!)

This was also my first time using Baohong Academy paper in their A6 sketchbook. I absolutely loved it and think I’ve found yet another favorite sketchbook. I’m so grateful that us watercolor artists now have so many different high-quality sketchbooks to choose from. If you’re curious about what it was like to work in this sketchbook, I posted a review yesterday.

In addition to my vacation, I took this sketchbook on a couple “sketch dates” to the local Barnes & Noble and did some ink drawing there. And while a good portion of my works in this sketchbok were done with Caran d’Ache Neocolor II water soluble pastels, I also did a couple watercolor paintings.

PS – If you’ve noted a bit of “gloss” on some of my illustrations during the flipthrough below, it’s a wax medium seal. I sealed some of my illustrations because the Neocolors have a tendency to transfer onto facing pages if you’re working on the opposite side of the page and putting down pressure. I used Dorland’s Wax Medium to seal some of the illustrations with heavier color to make sure they didn’t transfer as I progressed through the sketchbook. I was a bit arbitrary in which images I felt needed the wax medium, or which ones I felt comfortable adding the wax to.

This sketchbook is ultimately a real treasure for me. As usual, I’m finding my latest sketchbook has become my new “favorite”.

For my next travel sketchbook, I’m working in a dainty little Paul Ruben’s hot press sketchbook. As usual, I’m always looking to try new sketchbooks and see what I think. Expect a review in the future!

For cold press watercolor sketchbooks, I’m still working in my A5 Etchr Perfect Sketchbook and my Koval Sketchilla Sketchbook. I’ve really slowed down on filling these since I’ve just been so enamored with working with the Neocolor II pastels. I really do need to do some more full watercolor paintings, lest I get rusty!

That’s enough from me. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flip-through below. I’ve also included some photos of some of my favorite pieces from this sketchbook below the video embed.

And remember, if you see any paintings you like, check my Redbubble shop as I’ve been uploading prints from this sketchbook there for sale.

Some of my favorite artworks from this sketchbook:

Be sure to follow my Instagram account @kellyro77 to stay up-to-date on my creative endeavors.

List of materials:

Contains affiliate links. See disclosure for more info.

Baohong Academy 100% Cotton Watercolor Sketchbook, Hot Press
Caran d’Ache Museum Aquarelle Watercolor Pencils
Caran d’Ache Neocolor II water soluble pastels
Schmincke Horadam Aquarelle Watercolors
QoR Watercolors
Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens
Pentel Aquash Water Brushes
Platinum Carbon Ink
TWSBI Eco Fountain Pen
Washi Tape
Binder Clips
Dorland’s Wax Medium

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